Thursday, September 20, 2012

field trip to Beth Shalom organic farm

On Thursday 13 Sept 2012, our class is having a field trip to an Beth Shalom organic farm where we could learn about monocotyledon & dicotyledon plant. There, we also explore about monocotyledons & dicotyledon plants, it seems that there was a lot of plants which is dicotyledon than monocotyledon.We also plant a cassava which is quite hard.

Actually, we're not alone though, we also have our class next door having field trip too. The field trip fun,but gotta admit it, its quite hot weather in there. We also try to learning to plant by doing grafting & cutting. I'm just doing the tying the rope when we're doing grafting.We learn a lot on Beth Shalom. I hope that I can bring my family in there.